Saturday, November 7, 2009

Thoughts: A.S.T. girl band???

As usual, my brain tends to think a lot, revolving around current pop culture or entertainments. This time I thought of a pop girl band which would consist of three girls, one from China/Taiwan, one from Japan and one from Korea. They are called A.S.T. 'cus its acronym of their names.

From the picture... A guess can be made on the girl on the left being the Jap in a kimono. What I planed is that the girl in the middle is chinese, wearing a cheongsam being fingered at the chin by the Jap. The Korean wearing a hanbok on the right, hugging the chinese girl's arm from behind.

I also figured that the first album should be called "Girl Power" featuring majority pop or R&B songs. 3 Japanese, 3 Korean, 3 Chinese and two songs in English, which could be cover for old English songs made pop... The major focus would be on one of the girl 'cus she's the pop chick of the group, preferably the Korean.

The second album would be mainly rock based songs, named "Sex appeal". Also, 3 Jap, 3 Chi, 3 Kor and 2 Eng. The focus would be on another girl, preferably the Chinese, 'cus she's a rock chick.

The third album would be mainly on slow romantic songs. Same 'ol, same 'ol.... The focus would be on the Jap as she is the classic chick of the group. Haven't thought of the name for the album... Maybe something like "Basic" or "Beginning".

The fourth album would be all English songs but they are all cover of famous Korean, Japanese and Chinese songs. Could be old songs, could be new hot tunes. Haven't figure out the name for the album yet.


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