Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Life: Going to China

This is one of my favourite and best piece of photography in my collection. It was of the Manchester "eye" and it was some time in the evening, that's why the sky is purple. No photoshop or any form of special effect. Just pure luck and skill... lol...

Today, 大表姐 brought her daughters to our house to visit us and go out for breakfast. Her daughters 茈嫣 and 茈琳 are very nice kids. The older, 茈嫣 is more quirky and inquisitive, and did not find a liking towards arts or music. Whist the younger, 茈琳 is more obedient and considerate and does like arty stuff and music. They both are nice kids and hope that they grew up to be great ladies in the future.

Tomorrow we (me, my mum and dad) are leaving for China. Mum, of course have tonnes of complains but she still agreed 'cus that is what my dad would have wanted. Sigh... hope everything goes well and will write after 1 week (will be back on the 5th of December).

Monday, November 23, 2009

Life: What Should I Write About?

These are also pictures taken when I was in Curtin, Sarawak. This Curtin has a great pond/lake. Will put up more pictures.

Today Wendy dropped by. She was again being too modest and did not eat a lot. I felt bad that I made her eat too little... We just hanged out, watched TV, talked... Nothing much but still, quite nice time together.

Today we (me and mum) had a talk with brother and finally figuring out what is "eating" him... So with that cleared, I hope he can handle the problem well... Crossing fingers...

Think that's all for now...

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thoughts: Malaysia

This is a picture I took when I was studying in Curtin, Sarawak. I remember that time I had finished school early and it was almost time for me to leave the uni. I had always wanted to take picture of it as I walk by the various places... Will slowly paste up the pictures...

I wanted to talk a bit about Malaysia nowadays. According to what I know, people of our generation and people with better income or background wants to get out of Malaysia. My family predicted that Malaysia is going to be equal to the state of other underdeveloped countries like Indonesia or Philippines.

The government system in Malaysia is not good. They over protect Malays and totally and absolutely ignore and sometimes to the extent of degrading other races. Chinese here has absolutely no chance to be independent or stand out against the Malays. The only way to stand out is through sports... which is very sad. All the major independent Chinese developed companies needs to or HAVE to have a Malay share holder. Sometimes the "share holder" does not even put out a sen. They just feed off the income made by the Chinese company and enjoy the rest of their live driving expensive cars and live in big houses.

I think that Malaysia is going no where. It is mainly sustained by logging, oil palms and tourism, which are mostly from east Malaysia. Then all the shopping or more developed cities are in west Malaysia. What is the point of that! If you look carefully in the tourism advertisements, they rarely do feature Chinese. All are natives (which are, again mostly in east Malaysia) and Malay. Multicultural society, I would say that is pure B.S.

I think enough said. People in Malaysia should understand what I am talking about. If we really want Malaysian Chinese to be considered part of Malaysia (instead of living in Malaysia), we need to stand together! We need to stick together! Look at our own Chinese political party. They even had a internal row when Chinese themselves in Malaysia has barely a ground to stand on... Look at Singapore, it is Chinese governed at it is a well developed place! sigh... Chinese really need too stick together where ever we are... Will talk more...

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Life: Karaoke and Dinner

Both these pictures are of the same kitty. I took them as I was trolling to a nearby grocery story (ALDI) from my accommodation. I was stroking the kitty on the second pic, that's why you can see a brown thing on top of its head...

Yesterday, bro, me and his friends went karaokeing. It was fun, but it wasn't as interesting as last time 'cus there wasn't a lot of ppl and some of his friends left early. I dunno whether I was too sensitive or what but I sorta kinda sense that something is up with the ppl who left early. Maybe it was because they came together, but usually one of them hangs with another group of ppl... Otherwise, everything was fun... Bro sang a lot... He sang well too... I'm proud of him...

Today (night) I went out with my relatives... To be more exact, my 大伯 and 姑姑 as my 大伯 had just arrived and tomorrow my cousin 佩君堂姐 is coming in on the morning flight. So I need to sleep early as tomorrow morning we're gonna invite them for breakfast.

At the same night and place, I met my mother's sister 大姨 and her daughter 大表姐. Tell me about coincidence... Right, I have to remind myself that I have to tell mum that 大表姐 might visit us tomorrow. I felt real awkward as I had to talk to both families as they both are quite close. The most important thing of all is that I had to handle it all by myself 'cus mum and dad had a wedding dinner and bro had his birthday party to attend. I think I handled it pretty well... There lacked conversation across the table but I wasn't gonna contribute...

Then on Monday, I'm gonna be hanging out with Wendy. Hopefully the driving lessons won't intervene... Busy, busy, busy... entertaining ppl... sigh... Oh well, better then nothing...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Me and Snow day in Sunderland

I took this picture when it was really snowing in Sunderland and I took it through my bedroom window. I was really happy that I snowed that much 'cus Sunderland never really snows that hard... However, I regretted it later in the day...

I took this for my friend Muh Yuan as we were outside and for her it was the first time it snowed that hard. So I took the picture for her. As I walked back to my accommodation (as I get a long gap in between classes), my shoes were soaking wet...

I like this one because it looked pristine. No footstep. No nothing. Just snow. And couple of cars... I've seen pictures of other students who made snowman and stuff... I wish I could do that. But I did play snow fights with Tanya and them. It was fun!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Life: Wendy's day

This pic I took during one of the winter months. I liked it because you can see the snow and the footprints. Though I think it a bit too dark.

Today I drove the S "curve?" parking. I think I did ok. Though I'm still not that comfortable with controlling the steering. No stalling, which is good... I think...

Today Wendy came over. Before she did, we (me, my mum and Wendy) went for lunch at Miri cafe. She just ordered "liang teh" while me and my mum ate, 'cus she ate before coming out with us. Then I suggested that we should eat at nine-2-five next time. I hope that she would come out with us. Sometime she can be too shy or "paise" to come out with us...

We talked. We did a bit of stuff... and we talked... It was a good time. It has been... or should I say first time I got a chance to invite friends over to my house in M'sia (I've invited friends over to my house in Oman, not M'sia). I liked it. Hope to do it again on Thursday.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Life: nothing much sunday (NMS) II

I took this picture, I think, during winter time, as I was coming back from some "after school shopping". I liked it because of the sky, it was of the perfect blue. The night scene of the city further enhance the tranquillity of the dark blue sky. One could also notice the lone shimmer of a star on the left side of the picture.

As the title suggest, today is nothing much too. Tonight mum and dad had a dinner party to attend, so they left me and my brother to a simple dinner, which we ate in front of the TV. Might be meeting up with Wendy on Tuesday. I'm thinking of buying some ingredients to make a brownie. Will see how things go.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Life: Application for Visa

This picture I took during autumn in UK on my way back to the Precinct. I like this because the yellow leaves really stood out against the blue sky. Plus I need not to mention that I took this with my phone camera, which is a mere two megapixel.

Today was kinda hectic as we were rushed from point A to point B then to point C then back to point B again. First I went to see Miss Yii (my tertiary education consultant) to do some work on my visa. Then I was asked to do medical check up in a clinic (point B). I got weighed and I was 58.5KG, which I think is still leaning towards over weight. Then I had to go to Columbia Asia to do my x-ray, then back to point B (the clinic) to finish up. Then the clinic is gonna send the stuff to the Australian hi-com to provide me the visa. I hope everything is gonna be ok.

Today has been raining hard too. I hope nothing serious comes out of this monsoon season. Also I would be going to china at the end of the month. Roughly around 25th or 26th of Nov. So, that means I won't be updating for roughly a week.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Life: 21st Birthday

Today's my 21st birthday and Wendy came over as a surprise for my birthday. She asked my brother through sms (she got my brother's mobile number through asking to look at my fone's themes, cheeky girl...) whether we're gonna have a dinner out. So apparently, my brother asked her to come for the dinner too (which we had crabs, which I haven't had for a long time.) She also came with two cakes, one chocolate (which she admit she made with cake mix) and a jelly cake. The above photo is her present.

As she was in my house for quite some time before she left, I thought her how to make the paper warped eggs. She did quite a good job so yah!

All in all, I had a great day, except for the driving lesson this morning. I screwed it up as I was learning to drive the hill... Difficult...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Life: Interesting?

This is a picture of a soft toy that Jingli gave me for my birthday, and she made the heart shaped card in which she wrote me best wishes on my birthday. I really liked it so I placed it on my table lamp.

Today at aunts shop is a wee bit more interesting then usual. My cousin (阿峰表弟) threw a fit because I wouldn't give him the computer to play. He just stood behind me and started crying. My aunt (his mother) wanted me to let him play, but my mum said she let it be cause she wants to see how my cousin reacts. My cousin is very pampered and is used to getting what he wanted. So that's why my mum wanted to "perform" the experiment. So in the end, as his crying started getting louder, I had to give way, to save "face" for my aunt. If not, I wouldn't have given way. He was extremely rude.

Oh, my mum had a interesting fit today. 'cus we had a very filling breakfast kueh chap (和婆粿杂). So me and my mum decided to go to sun city (a cafe) to eat toast and teh tarik. I had curry with my toast while my mum had peanut butter. As she was eating the peanut butter toast, she started complaining how filling it is. I suggested that peanut butter had that property. She agreed. 'cus on Monday, my other cousin (not the one who threw the fit, my ah peng 表姐) offered my mum peanuts as titbit, my mum mentioned that she hoped that my 表姐 won't offer it again, as she was getting sick of peanuts... lol... Guess what, as we reached there, my 表姐 was munching on some peanuts and offered my mum some. Me and my mum looked at each other and started laughing, leaving my cousin absolutely no idea what's going on... hehe...

Today I saw Superjunior M's "Super Girl" again... Sometimes, I think these can be too repetitive... Also, I found the Japanese songs on TV does not attract me as much as the Korean songs... Even though I have more Japanese songs in my laptop then any Korean (the only Korean songs I have are of Superjunior's second album).

Monday, November 9, 2009

Life: Monotonous Mondays

Today is pretty much the same. Thou me and mum made a carrot kueh 萝卜糕 which I will have for breakfast tomorrow before going to learn driving at 8am... Again... Sigh...

This the idea I had for A.S.T.'s first album. Originally, I planed for the sunglasses to be of star shape. But when I looked at it again, it just looked weird, so I just drew a normal glasses. I know that the legs could be better drawn but I really don't care... So... Yah... Basically that except with two other girls...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Thoughts: A.S.T. cont.

This is a "remake" of the previous picure... but with this you can clearly see the costumes and such... I'm quite proud of it as it too me half a day to clear the picture up with paint!... Of course, there are still something wrong with the picture, for example the kimono looks weird. The girl in the middle is too small. The orientation of the girl on the left is still awkward. The proudest is the hand, I drew it in one go and it was perfect. Except for the fact that you can barely see the thumb... hehe.... What I had in mind is that the bottom half of the picture would be white letters "A.S.T." with letters at the bottom "Sex Appeal".

What I had in mind for the 1st album "Girl Power" is a picture of the three girls standing on a white background. They are all standing in a same position, legs spread apart, hands on their hips and facing the front. They wore the same dress, something like the 60's clothing.

Something like this. Except that the dress is simple, with out the line and stuff... Then on the dress, it would be letters 'A' on the first girl, 'S' on the second and 'T' on the third. They would then look similar to their country's flag... I would put up the drawing when I have the chance. Now my question is whether they should wear stockings which represents their colour, red, blue and yellow. They could wear boots, or those platform stilettos? They would all be wearing a black bob cut wig and sunglasses. That would be cool...

My mum's godfather has a little problem with high white blood cell counts. My mum keeps worrying whether it could be blood cancer or leukaemia... I personally think that it is not that big a problem. But in these kinda cases, some times it is better to think of the worst.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Thoughts: A.S.T. girl band???

As usual, my brain tends to think a lot, revolving around current pop culture or entertainments. This time I thought of a pop girl band which would consist of three girls, one from China/Taiwan, one from Japan and one from Korea. They are called A.S.T. 'cus its acronym of their names.

From the picture... A guess can be made on the girl on the left being the Jap in a kimono. What I planed is that the girl in the middle is chinese, wearing a cheongsam being fingered at the chin by the Jap. The Korean wearing a hanbok on the right, hugging the chinese girl's arm from behind.

I also figured that the first album should be called "Girl Power" featuring majority pop or R&B songs. 3 Japanese, 3 Korean, 3 Chinese and two songs in English, which could be cover for old English songs made pop... The major focus would be on one of the girl 'cus she's the pop chick of the group, preferably the Korean.

The second album would be mainly rock based songs, named "Sex appeal". Also, 3 Jap, 3 Chi, 3 Kor and 2 Eng. The focus would be on another girl, preferably the Chinese, 'cus she's a rock chick.

The third album would be mainly on slow romantic songs. Same 'ol, same 'ol.... The focus would be on the Jap as she is the classic chick of the group. Haven't thought of the name for the album... Maybe something like "Basic" or "Beginning".

The fourth album would be all English songs but they are all cover of famous Korean, Japanese and Chinese songs. Could be old songs, could be new hot tunes. Haven't figure out the name for the album yet.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Life: Australian Application Process

Here's a picture of the Precinct, the university accommodation which I lived in for 3 years and everything was good.

As apply for the Flinder's housing... It asked for a whole bunch of stuff that I couldn't even get the page through to the next without having to refresh... Then it also asked for REFERENCES! What was that? Why would anyone ask for references for just LIVING IN THEIR ACCOMMODATION! I still don't understand it!... Sigh...

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Me and My Oil Paintings...

This is my very first oil painting... As you can see... It is quite child like...

My second oil painting based on a photograph, I think I spent the longest on that picture...

My third which is based on three seashells sitting on the stool.... One of the hardest....

Got a bit confuse on the following as I can't remember which went first... This one was based on another painting...

Picture of my dad... My dad was real proud that he showed this picture to my grandma and she's like... "who's that?"... Think it broke my dad's heart...

This one's of a photograph too... This one is meant to be a scenery somewhere in Oman... When I told my mum that, she said she don't believe me 'cus Oman is not that green.

This one is based on another painting... My first try on impressionist paintings...

I remember very well that this was my last painting. Its of a Cezanne painting and my mum was so happy with this that she framed it and hung it up in the dinning room.
This one is a oil pastel of Vincent Van Goh's Starry Night. I was really proud of this one too. Many of family and friends commented on this one... Its hung up in the study.

This one is one of the latest addition to the paintings on the wall. I did this when I was in UK... Bored as hell... It's of a picture of the autumn.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Thoughts: Little Fight With Mum

Sorry I did not blog yesterday... Mainly because I did not have nothing much to blog about... Just that my driving lesson went alright. Also the picture is one of my proudest pics... Its of a cherry blossom tree (a.k.a. sakura tree) in front of one of the uni buildings (Foster building)...

Today I had a short but 'intense' fight with my mum... It started when my cousin was trying to teach me how to solve cubes... Then my mum said that I never really had any interest is such things as my attention span is quite short (known in Chinese as, 三分钟热度). The only thing I really had any interest in and paid attention to is C.S.I. I thought at that time she would say something like arts and craft but no, she had to say a TV series, which by the way, is not my absolute fave right now...

She always told me to say positive things to other people so to boost my confidence. However, she broke that rule by telling other people that I only like watching TV. Which made me sounds like a useless girl... Why does she say that when she knows I'm sensitive to those kinda things? Anyway, I told my mum my thoughts as we go into the car and she said the next time she would not say anything or any comments any more. That really sounded like something she said out of anger and I do not like that!

She then told me she would be more like dad, not saying anything and always keeping any words inside. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? I liked the way that my mum tells us anything so we (me and by brother) can change and become a better person through her experience! But if she doesn't say anything, how am I suppose to learn. The main reason why I told her about my thoughts was to understand why she broke that rule. Then she told me that its a joke and it doesn't have anything to do with my future and possibilities! So, OK, I understood that and I want her to say anything she wants! But she still stuck to her idea so that there would not be any arguments in the house.

Sigh... I feel so useless as a daughter 'cus I made my mum change herself in order to suit me. It should be me that changes to suit her! Next time, no more comments on her comments, I'll try that out... Can't promise that I can keep it but I can try!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Thoughts: 9

I did not have a chance to watch this film in the cinema, which is a bust 'cus it could've been better that way (a good cinema, not the crappy one in Miri). I managed to watch it with the pirated DVD I brought along with public enemies and G.I. Joe.

I liked the animation and the colour scheme is wonderful. The story is different then most animation nowadays... However, I found the ending a bit plain. Well, maybe it's because I wished that the characters would come back to life, especially 5... I found 5 really sweet and a good companion... The downside of the DVD was that the sound system wasn't real good. Wish I could get a better quality one. Maybe I'll buy the proper DVD version, if available...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Life: Buffet with family

Today we went to the Mega hotel buffet as a whole family. I woke up late assuming that we are not going because no one told me the time i should wake up. However, it is also partly my fault because i made the wrong assumption. Otherwise, everything went fine.

In the afternoon, me, my brother and his friend went to watch the Michel Jackson movie "This Is It!" It as alright, not too bad. I got a chance to see how MJ was like before he died. He was good, extremely good on stage. Though i won't say that he shouldn't die nor that he should. Should I say that he leaving only left the world mesmerised by
him as King of Pop. Not as the drug user or other gossips on the streets. I dunno... Its hard to explain...

Will be re-starting the driving lessons on tues and thrus 8am. Mum made sure that i need to wake up (as my usual wake up time nowadays are 11am... hehe...)

I know, blurry... What i'm suppose to do... It was my friend's camera, and i din wan her to see me take picture... Wanted to draw a picture for her.... ended up doing nothing... 'cus din bother...